Defines BanManager's messages throughout the plugin.
Messages support JSON and Minecraft colour codes using the &
delimiter. Use \n
for new lines. Text wrapped inside square brackets i.e. [player]
are tokens which will be replaced with their corresponding value. Set values to an empty string, i.e. ''
if you do not wish the message to display.
Platform | Location |
CraftBukkit/Spigot/Paper | /plugins/BanManager/messages.yml |
BungeeCord | /plugins/BanManager/messages.yml |
Fabric | /config/banmanager/messages.yml |
Sponge | /config/banmanager/messages.yml |
Velocity | /plugins/BanManager/messages.yml |
Sent to players with the bm.notify.duplicateips permission when the same IP address of a banned player joins.
Token | Example | Description |
player | confuser | Player name |
players | JamsJar, Issy2322, SavannahF | A list of comma separated player names |
&cWarning: [player] has the same IP as the following banned players:\n&6[players]
Warning: confuser has the same IP as the following banned players:
JamsJar, Issy2322, SavannahF
Sent to players with the bm.notify.alts permission when a player joins with an IP address associated to other players.
Token | Example | Description |
player | confuser | Player name |
players | JamsJar, Issy2322, SavannahF | A list of comma separated player names |
&cWarning: [player] has the same IP as the following players:\n&6[players]
Warning: confuser has the same IP as the following players:
JamsJar, Issy2322, SavannahF
Sent when the config is reloaded via /bmreload
&aConfiguration reloaded successfully!
Configuration reloaded successfully!
Sent to players with the bm.notify.denied.player permission when a banned player is denied from joining the server.player
Token Example Description actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment player confuser Player name reason Hacking The cause of the punishment Example
&cWarning: [player] attempted to join the server but was denied due to &4[reason]
Warning: confuser attempted to join the server but was denied due to Hacking
Sent to players with the bm.notify.denied.ip permission when a banned IP address is denied from joining the server.ip
Token Example Description actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 reason Hacking The cause of the punishment Example
&cWarning: [ip] attempted to join the server but was denied due to &4[reason]
Warning: attempted to join the server but was denied due to Hacking
Server join deny message when maxOnlinePerIp limit reached.
&cToo many players with your ip address online
Disconnected by Server
Too many players with your ip address online
Server join deny message when maxMultiaccountsRecently limit reached.
&cToo many players with your ip address logged in recently
Disconnected by Server
Too many players with your ip address logged in recently
Server join deny message when player connecting from a country not on the countries list.
Token | Example | Description |
country | United Kingdom | Name of country |
countryIso | GB | ISO code of country |
&cYou may not connect from your region
Disconnected by Server
You may not connect from your region
A list of components to display a length of time, e.g. temporary banning a player fortime
is displayed as1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 minutes
Displayed when a punishment is permanent and never expiresnever
Displayed when entering an incorrect duration, e.g.invalid
/tempban confuser 6ha Hacking
&cYour time length is invalid
Your time length is invalid
Displayed when no alts for a player are found via /alts
A list of generic messages used by most commands for common scenarios.sender
Displayed when attempting to perform a command on a player which cannot be found in BanManager's databasenotFound
Token Example Description player confuser Player name Example
&c[player] not found, are you sure they exist?
confuser not found, are you sure they exist?
Displayed when attempting to perform a command which requires a player to be online, e.g.offline
/kick <player> <reason>
Token Example Description player confuser Player name Example
&c[player] is offline
confuser is offline
Displayed when attempting to perform a command on yourself, e.g. banning yourselfnoSelf
&cYou cannot perform that action on yourself!
You cannot perform that action on yourself!
Displayed when attempting an unknown error occurs, check your server console & logs for further information.exception
&cAn error occured whilst attempting to perform this command. Please check the console for further details.
An error occured whilst attempting to perform this command. Please check the console for further details.
Displayed when attempting to perform a command with an incorrectly formatted IP address, e.g.invalidIp
/banip 127.0.1
Token Example Description ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 Example
&cInvalid IP address, expecting w.x.y.z format
Invalid IP address, expecting w.x.y.z format
Displayed when attempting to perform a command which does not support IP addresses, e.g.ipNotSupported
&cFetching information by IP address is currently unsupported.
Fetching information by IP address is currently unsupported.
Displayed when attempting to perform a command on an offline player without the neccessary offline permission, e.g. bm.command.ban.offlineofflinePermission
&cYou are not allowed to perform this action on an offline player
You are not allowed to perform this action on an offline player
Displayed when attempting to perform a command on a player who is exemptexempt
Token Example Description player confuser Player name Example
&c[player] is exempt from that action
confuser is exempt from that action
Displayed when attempting to perform a command without the neccessary permissions, such as attempting to use a command flag e.g.noPermission
/ban -silent <player> <reason>
Token Example Description player confuser Player name Example
&cYou do not have permission to perform that action
You do not have permission to perform that action
Displayed when attempting to use a reason shortcut which does not exist, e.g.invalidReason
/ban confuser #doesnotexist
, requires enabling blockInvalidReasonsToken Example Description reason Hacking The cause of the punishment Example
&c[reason] is no valid reason.
Hacking is no valid reason.
Messages used by the /alts commandalts
First line sent when using theheader
/alts <player || ip>
commandToken Example Description ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 Example
Possible alts found:
Possible alts found:
Messages used by the /bmexport commandexport
Displayed when an export is already in progressinProgress
&cAn export is already in progress, please wait
An export is already in progress, please wait
Messages used byplayer
/bmexport players
Displayed when an export beginsstarted
&aPlayer ban export started
Player ban export started
Displayed when an export successfully completesfinished
Token Example Description file banned-players-2021-06-01_12-32-10.json Location of export Example
&aPlayer ban export finished, file [file] created
Player ban export finished, file banned-players-2021-06-01_12-32-10.json created
Messages used byip
/bmexport ips
Displayed when an export beginsstarted
&aIP ban export started
IP ban export started
Displayed when an export successfully completesfinished
Token Example Description file banned-ips-2021-06-01_12-32-10.json Location of export Example
&aIP ban export finished, file [file] created
IP ban export finished, file banned-ips-2021-06-01_12-32-10.json created
Messages used by the /bmimport commandimport
Displayed when an import is already in progressinProgress
&cAn import is already in progress, please wait
An import is already in progress, please wait
Messages used by /bmimport playersplayer
Displayed when an import beginsstarted
&aPlayer ban import started
Player ban import started
Displayed when an import successfully completesfinished
&aPlayer ban import finished
Player ban import finished
Messages used by /bmimport ipsip
Displayed when an import beginsstarted
&aIP ban import started
IP ban import started
Displayed when an import successfully completesfinished
&aIP ban import finished
IP ban import finished
Messages used by /bmimport advancedbanadvancedban
Displayed when an import beginsstarted
&aAdvancedBan import started
AdvancedBan import started
Displayed when an import successfully completesfinished
&aAdvancedBan import finished
AdvancedBan import finished
Messages used by /bmimport h2h2
Displayed when an import beginsstarted
&aH2 import started
H2 import started
Displayed when an import successfully completesfinished
&aH2 import finished, please restart the server
H2 import finished, please restart the server
Messages used by the /bminfo commandinfo
Displayed when multiple players with the same name are foundindexRequired
Token Example Description name confuser Name searched size 3 Number of players found with same name Example
&cMultiple players named [name], found, please select a player by providing an index between 1 and [size], e.g. /bminfo [name] 1
Multiple players named confuser, found, please select a player by providing an index between 1 and 3, e.g. /bminfo [name] 1
Displayed when an invalid index number is provided, e.g.invalidIndex
/bminfo confuser asb
Token Example Description ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 Example
&cInvalid player option used
Invalid player option used
Displays a list of players to choose fromindex
Token Example Description index 0 Option to choose name confuser Name searched uuid ae51c849-3f2a-4a37-986d-55ed5b02307f UUID of player Example
&7#[index] - &6[name] - &4[uuid]
#0 - confuser - ae51c849-3f2a-4a37-986d-55ed5b02307f
Displays the sum of player punishments, separated by typeplayer
Token Example Description player confuser Player name playerId ae51c849-3f2a-4a37-986d-55ed5b02307f UUID of player bans 2 Total number of bans mutes 2 Total number of mutes kicks 2 Total number of kicks warns 2 Total number of warnings warnPoints 2 Total amount of warning points notes 2 Total number of notes Example
&6[player] has been banned [bans] times, muted [mutes] times, kicked [kicks] times and warned [warns] times ([warnPoints] Points) and has [notes] notes
confuser has been banned 2 times, muted 2 times, kicked 2 times and warned 2 times (2 Points) and has 2 notes
Displays the sum of IP punishments, separated by typeip
Token Example Description bans 2 Total number of bans Example
&6This ip has been banned [bans] times
This ip has been banned 2 times
Displays the player's last connectionconnection
Token Example Description player confuser Player name ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 lastSeen 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time player last connected in dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss format Example
&6Their last connection was with [ip] on [lastSeen]
Their last connection was with on 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Displays the player's geolocation information, requires geoip to be enabledgeoip
Token Example Description country United Kingdom Name of country countryIso GB ISO code of country city London Name of city Example
Country: [country] City: [city]
Country: United Kingdom City: London
Displays the player's current permanent ban informationpermanent
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) player confuser Player name actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued Example
&6Currently banned for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created]
Currently banned for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Displays the player's current temporary ban informationtemporary
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) player confuser Player name actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued expires 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment expires Example
&6Currently banned for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created] which expires in [expires]
Currently banned for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54 which expires in 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Defines the format of when the ban was issueddateTimeFormat
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Displays an associated permanent IP banpermanent
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued Example
&6Currently banned for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created]
Currently banned for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Displays an associated temporary IP bantemporary
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued expires 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment expires Example
&6Currently banned for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created] which expires in [expires]
Currently banned for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54 which expires in 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Defines the format of when the ban was issueddateTimeFormat
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Displays the player's current permanent mute informationpermanent
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) player confuser Player name actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued Example
&6Currently muted for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created]
Currently muted for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Displays the player's current temporary mute informationtemporary
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) player confuser Player name actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment reason Hacking The cause of the punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued expires 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment expires Example
&6Currently muted for &4[reason]&6 by [actor] at [created] which expires in [expires]
Currently muted for Hacking by JamsJar at 02-06-2021 13:42:54 which expires in 02-06-2021 13:42:54
See Java's DateTimeFormatter for a list of available symbols.dateTimeFormat
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Displays a link to view the player's profileplayer
Token Example Description player confuser Player name playerId ae51c849-3f2a-4a37-986d-55ed5b02307f UUID of player Example[player]&server=0
Displays records for a player via /bminfo confuser -bans -mutes, requires permissions bm.command.bminfo.history.[type] depending on record types.history
Token Example Description id 1 Numerical identifier (ID) type Ban The record type reason Hacking The cause of the punishment actor JamsJar Player name who issued punishment created 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time punishment issued meta 5 Additional information pertaining to the record e.g. warning points Example
&7#[id] &a[&f[type]&a] &6[actor]&f [meta] [reason] - &e[created]
#1 [Ban] JamsJar 5 Hacking - 02-06-2021 13:42:54
Displayed when no records foundnoResults
&cNo results found
No results found
See Java's DateTimeFormatter for a list of available symbols.dateTimeFormat
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Shows join and leave times of player via /bminfo confuser -ips, requires permission bm.command.bminfo.history.ips and requires logIps to be enabled.ips
Token Example Description ip The punished IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 join 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time player joined the server leave 02-06-2021 13:42:54 Date and time player left the server Example
&e[ip] - &6[join] - [leave] - 02-06-2021 13:42:54 - 02-06-2021 13:42:54
See Java's DateTimeFormatter for a list of available symbols.dateTimeFormat
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss