1. Docs
  2. /
  3. BanManager
  4. /
  5. Permissions


BanManager contains a plethora of permissions to enable flexible setups.

bm.command.banAllows a player to permanently ban someone
bm.command.ban.offlineRequired to permanently ban an offline player
bm.command.ban.overrideAllows overriding an existing ban
bm.command.tempbanAllows a player to tempban someone
bm.command.tempban.offlineRequired to temporary ban an offline player
bm.command.tempban.overrideAllows overriding of an existing ban
bm.command.unbanAllows a player to unban someone
bm.command.unban.ownAllows a player to only unban a player they banned
bm.command.unban.deleteAllows using -d flag to delete a ban without creating a ban record
bm.command.warnAllows you to warn a player
bm.command.warn.offlineAllows you to warn an offline player who will be shown the message when they next join
bm.command.tempwarnAllows you to temporarily warn a player
bm.command.tempwarn.offlineAllows you to temporarily warn an offline player who will be shown the message when they next join
bm.command.syncAllows you to forcefully sync database changes
bm.command.baniprangeAllows you to permanently ban an ip range
bm.command.tempbaniprangeAllows you to temporary ban an ip range
bm.command.unbaniprangeAllows you to unban an ip range
bm.command.banlistAllows you to see active punishments stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.playersAllows you to see active player bans stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.ipsAllows you to see active ip bans stored in memory
bm.command.banlist.iprangesAllows you to see active ip range bans stored in memory
bm.command.bmactivityAllows you to see recent punishment activity
bm.command.clearAllows clearing of a players records
bm.command.clear.banrecordsAllows clearing of a player's ban records
bm.command.clear.baniprecordsAllows clearing of a player's ip ban records
bm.command.clear.kicksAllows clearing of a player's kick records
bm.command.clear.muterecordsAllows clearing of a player's mute records
bm.command.clear.notesAllows clearing of a player's notes
bm.command.clear.reportsAllows clearing of a player's reports
bm.command.clear.warningsAllows clearing of a player's warnings
bm.command.deleteAllows deleting a players record
bm.command.delete.banrecordsAllows deleting a player's ban record
bm.command.delete.baniprecordsAllows deleting the ban records of an ip
bm.command.delete.kicksAllows deleting a player's kick record
bm.command.delete.muterecordsAllows deleting a player's mute record
bm.command.delete.notesAllows deleting a player's note
bm.command.delete.reportsAllows deleting a player's report
bm.command.delete.warningsAllows deleting a player's warning
bm.command.addnoteAllows adding a note to a player
bm.command.notesAllows viewing all notes of a player
bm.command.notes.onlineAllows viewing all notes of players currently online
bm.command.bminfoAllows use of /bminfo which shows your current ban info
bm.command.bminfo.playerstatsAllows seeing player statistics, amount of bans, mutes etc
bm.command.bminfo.connectionAllows seeing player's logged ip address
bm.command.bminfo.ipstatsAllows seeing ip statistics such as amount of bans
bm.command.bminfo.altsAllows seeing possible alts, same output as /alts
bm.command.bminfo.websiteDisplays link to players ban page, requires configuring within messages.yml
bm.command.bminfo.othersAllows viewing other players information
bm.command.bminfo.history.bansAllows listing the past bans of a player via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.ipbansAllows listing the past bans of an IP via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.ipmutesAllows listing the past mutes of an IP via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.ipsAllows listing join leave history records of a player via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.kicksAllows listing kick records of a player via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.mutesAllows listing the past mutes of a player via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.notesAllows listing all notes associated with a player via /bminfo
bm.command.bminfo.history.warningsAllows listing all warnings of a player via /bminfo
bm.command.banipAllows you to ban an ip
bm.command.banip.overrideAllows overriding an existing ip ban
bm.command.tempbanipAllows you to tempban an ip
bm.command.tempbanip.overrideAllows overriding an existing ip ban
bm.command.unbanipAllows you to unban an ip
bm.command.unbanip.ownAllows a player to unban an ip they banned
bm.command.importAllows importing of banned players and ips from banned-players.json and banned-ips.json files
bm.command.kickAllows you to kick another player
bm.command.nlkickAllows you to kick another player without logging it
bm.command.muteAllows you to mute a player
bm.command.mute.offlineRequired to permanently mute an offline player
bm.command.mute.overrideAllows you to override an existing mute
bm.command.tempmuteAllows you to temp mute a player
bm.command.tempmute.offlineRequired to temporary mute an offline player
bm.command.tempmute.overrideAllows you to override an existing mute
bm.command.unmuteAllows you to unmute a player
bm.command.unmute.ownAllows a player to only unmute a player they muted
bm.command.reloadAllows you to reload from the config
bm.command.rollbackAllows rolling back staff actions
bm.command.bannameAllows banning a name
bm.command.banname.overrideAllows overriding an existing name ban
bm.command.tempbannameAllows temporarily banning a name
bm.command.tempbanname.overrideAllows overriding an existing name ban
bm.command.unbannameAllows unbanning a name
bm.command.muteipAllows you to mute an ip
bm.command.muteip.overrideAllows overriding an existing ip mute
bm.command.unmuteipAllows you to unmute an ip
bm.command.unmuteip.ownAllows a player to unmute an ip they muted
bm.exempt.kickOnline players with this permission cannot be kicked, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.kickAllows a player to kick an exempt player
bm.exempt.banOnline players with this permission cannot be banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.banAllows a player to ban an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempbanOnline players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned,highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.tempbanAllows a player to tempban an exempt player
bm.exempt.maxonlineperipAllows a player to bypass the maxOnlinePerIp configuration option
bm.exempt.maxmultiaccountsrecentlyAllows a player to bypass the maxMultiaccountsRecently configuration option
bm.exempt.muteOnline players with this permission cannot be muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.muteAllows a player to mute an exempt player
bm.exempt.muteipOnline players with this permission cannot have their ip address muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.muteipAllows a player to mute the ip address an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempmuteipOnline players with this permission cannot have their ip address temporarily muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.tempmuteipAllows a player to temporarily mute the ip address an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempmuteOnline players with this permission cannot be temporarily muted, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.tempmuteAllows a player to tempmute an exempt player
bm.exempt.banipOnline players with this permission cannot be ip banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.banipAllows a player to ip ban an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempbanipOnline players with this permission cannot be temporarily banned, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.tempbanipAllows a player to temporarily ip ban an exempt player
bm.exempt.warnOnline players with this permission cannot be warned
bm.exempt.override.warnAllows a player to warn an exempt player
bm.exempt.tempwarnOnline players with this permission cannot be temporarily warned
bm.exempt.override.tempwarnAllows a player to temporarily warn an exempt player
bm.exempt.reportOnline players with this permission cannot be reportd, highly recommended for admins
bm.exempt.override.reportAllows a player to report an exempt player
bm.notify.banNotified when a player is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbanNotified when a player is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unbanNotified when a player is unbanned
bm.notify.banipNotified when an ip is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbanipNotified when an ip is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unipbanNotified when an ip is unbanned
bm.notify.muteNotified when a player is permanently muted
bm.notify.mutedShows attempted messages from muted players
bm.notify.tempmuteNotified when a player is temporarily muted
bm.notify.unmuteNotified when a player is unmuted
bm.notify.muteipNotified when an ip is permanently muted
bm.notify.mutedipShows attempted messages from muted ips
bm.notify.tempmuteipNotified when an ip is temporarily muted
bm.notify.unmuteipNotified when an ip is unmuted
bm.notify.baniprangeNotified when an ip range is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbaniprangeNotified when an ip range is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unbaniprangeNotified when an ip range is unbanned
bm.notify.kickNotified when a player is kicked
bm.notify.reportNotified when a player is reported
bm.notify.reports.openDisplays open reports on server join
bm.notify.reports.assignedDisplays assigned reports on server join
bm.notify.warnNotified when a player is warned
bm.notify.tempwarnNotified when a player is temporarily warned
bm.notify.duplicateipsNotified when a player with the same ip address of a banned player joins
bm.notify.altsNotified when a player with the same ip address of another player joins
bm.notify.notesNotified when a note is created for a player
bm.notify.notes.joinDisplays all notes associated with a player who joined the server
bm.notify.notes.joinAmountDisplays the total number of notes associated with a player who joined the server
bm.notify.denied.playerNotified when a banned player attempts to join
bm.notify.denied.ipNotified when a player attempts to join from a banned ip address
bm.notify.bannameNotified when a name is permanently banned
bm.notify.tempbannameNotified when a name is temporarily banned
bm.notify.unbannameNotified when a name is unbanned
bm.timelimit.playerBans.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary ban lengths
bm.timelimit.playerMutes.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary mute lengths
bm.timelimit.playerWarnings.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary warning lengths
bm.timelimit.ipBans.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary ban lengths
bm.timelimit.ipMutes.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary mute lengths
bm.timelimit.rollbacks.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on rollback lengths
bm.timelimit.nameBans.bypassAllows a player to bypass any group limitations on temporary name lengths
bm.command.reportAllows reporting a player
bm.command.reportsAllows access to report management
bm.command.report.offlineAllows reporting an offline player
bm.command.reports.assignAssign a report to yourself
bm.command.reports.assign.otherAssign a report to another player
bm.command.reports.closeClose a report
bm.command.reports.infoView a report
bm.command.reports.listList assigned reports
bm.command.reports.list.othersList all reports
bm.command.reports.teleportTeleport to a player report location
bm.command.reports.unassignUnassign a report
bm.command.bmutilsAllows access utility commands
bm.command.bmutils.missingplayersAllows access to missingplayers subcommand
bm.command.bmutils.duplicatesAllows access to duplicates subcommand


  • by James Mortemore © 2012 - 2025