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  3. BanManager
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  5. Install (on a single server)


A full guide for installing, configuring and running BanManager for use in production on a Minecraft Server


Initial Setup

  1. Download the BanManager jar from our downloads page and save it in an easily accessible location
  2. Copy the BanManager jar file to your server plugins folder (CraftBukkit/Spigot/Paper) or mods folder (Fabric/Sponge)
  3. Fully restart your minecraft server
    • This is required to generate the default configuration files
  4. Check your server logs to confirm BanManager enables correctly

Setup shared database (optional)

By default, BanManager stores its data in a file backed in-memory database named H2. This is sufficient for most servers and allows the plugin to work out-of-the-box. However, if you would like to share data, e.g. across a network or use the WebUI, a remote database such as MySQL or MariaDB is required.

Once the database is setup/configured, you should have a hostname, a database name, and a username and password.

Open config.yml, find databases and under the local section, set storageType to mysql or mariadb. Then populate host, name, user & password with your connection details.

Save the file and then restart your minecraft server. Check the server logs to confirm the plugin has enabled correctly.


Startup Issues

BanManager is showing as red in /plugins

Please ensure you have configured the plugin correctly and check either your server log or console for more information

When trying to /ban a player it displays /ban <player> <reason>

The plugin is not enabled, please check your server startup log for more information

BanManager is unable to connect to the database

This can be caused by a number of issues, below lists the most common. If these do not resolve your issue, feel free to request Support.

  • Ensure you have created the database. Verify this by logging in with the user you are connecting with (via mysql -p -u) and running SHOW DATABASES;. If the database is not contained in the results, it either has not been created or the user does not have permission to access it.
  • If you are connecting to the database from another server, you need to explicitly grant access to it for the remote ip address as follows: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO username@'IP' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; replacing dbname, username and password with your respective details. Then run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; to ensure they are updated.
  • If after verifing the aforementioned checks the plugin is still unable to connect, check the MySQL/MariaDB error logs.


  • by James Mortemore © 2012 - 2025