BanManager hs a developer API allowing other plugins to read and modify punishment data
The API uses Semantic Versioning, meaning whenever a non-backwards compatible change is made, the major version will increment. You can rest assured knowing your integration will not break between releases, providing the major version remains the same.
- The latest version is
- JavaDocs are available either in a standard JavaDoc layout, or within the source code
Add BanManager to your project
Artifacts are published to the Frostcast CI repository
Add the following to your POM:
To make use of BanManager's API, simply add the relevant build as a Maven dependency to your project. For access to BmAPI only, please use BanManagerCommon. For anything else, use the server implementation specific build.
This is a static API class for BanManager to create and manipulate punishments.
- Unless a method is marked as thread safe, ensure they are always executed asynchronously to avoid causing server lag (by blocking the main Minecraft Server thread)
- The API does not check permissions for exemptions like commands do
A list of methods are available at the javadocs.
Provides a way to listen to punishment changes, e.g. when a player is banned or unbanned. Each event contains the punishment reason, actor (who caused the event) and the player or ip it affects.
A server specific build is required to access these, e.g. BanManagerBukkit.
Events in the present tense can be cancelled, e.g. PlayerMuteEvent, whereas events in the past tense cannot e.g. PlayerMutedEvent.
These events are used internally by BanManager and are triggered asynchronously.
The following events are supported:
- IpBanEvent
- IpBannedEvent
- IpMuteEvent
- IpMutedEvent
- IpRangeBanEvent
- IpRangeBannedEvent
- IpRangeUnbanEvent
- IpUnbanEvent
- IpUnmutedEvent
- NameBanEvent
- NameBannedEvent
- NameUnbanEvent
- PlayerBanEvent
- PlayerBannedEvent
- PlayerDeniedEvent
- PlayerKickedEvent
- PlayerMuteEvent
- PlayerMutedEvent
- PlayerNoteCreatedEvent
- PlayerReportDeletedEvent
- PlayerReportEvent
- PlayerReportedEvent
- PlayerUnbanEvent
- PlayerUnmuteEvent
- PlayerWarnEvent
- PlayerWarnedEvent
- PluginReloadedEvent
import me.confuser.banmanager.bukkit.api.events.PlayerBannedEvent;
public class BanListener implements Listener {
public void notifyOnBan(PlayerBannedEvent event) {
PlayerBanData ban = event.getBan();
if (!event.isSilent()) {
Bukkit.broadcast(ban.getPlayer().getName() + " has been banned!");
import me.confuser.banmanager.sponge.api.events.PlayerBannedEvent;
public class BanListener {
@Listener(order = Order.POST)
public void notifyOnBan(PlayerBannedEvent event) {
PlayerBanData ban = event.getBan();
if (!event.isSilent()) {
Sponge.getServer().getConsole().sendMessage(Text.of(ban.getPlayer().getName() + " has been banned!"));