Ban Management

A suite of moderation plugins & apps for Minecraft servers

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player head skin
player head skin
player head skin


Open Source
& Free


A better way to manage your community

Flexible banning
Block nuisance players, their IP addresses and prevent profane names from joining your server.
Reduce spam
Mute players spamming chat, including shadow muting.
Self moderation
Players can report wrongful behaviour even when staff are offline. Staff can then track and resolve reports when online.
Powerful warning system
Notify a player of their misdeeds. Automatically issue commands after a set amount of warnings, increasing in severity each time.
Staff can write notes and view a player's entire record, including unbans and by whom to provide a consistent approach to rule breakers.
Every message can be fully customised, supporting colour codes and even JSON messages.

Access anywhere

Manage your community from any device at any time.

WebUI supports seamless logins via a unique pin generated in-game, no more complex registration forms.

Create custom roles with fine grained permissions to control what players can see and edit.

Manage bans, mutes and reports across a network of servers from your mobile phone.

WebUI player page


  • by James Mortemore © 2012 - 2024